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Writer's pictureTeachers at CM Dance

As part of my dance teacher training I had to write an essay, the subject was open to me and I pondered hard upon what I would enjoy writing about. I eventually decided upon the subject of men en pointe after seeing the brilliant Trocks perform - this is what followed... Hope you find it as interesting as me!

I've often wondered, is there a place in 'serious' repertoire for men en pointe?

In the current era pointe work is seen as the virtuosic skill of the female dancer with the

men trading on big leaps and intricate beats, as well as speed and accuracy during turns. There are companies of men who dance en pointe, however they are seen as unusual and generally have comedic undertones even if the quality and technique demonstrated are at as high a level as their female counterparts, although men have danced on the tips of their toes in a non ballet capacity for many years. While it is clearly a huge feat for a man to dance en pointe, and it is possible to be performed with graceful and light technique of the female dancer, it leaves the question of:

Is there a place in the repertoire of major companies to stage ballets with roles for men en pointe as a serious characters or would they be reserved for the generally comedic roles of the Step Sisters in ‘Cinderella’ or Bottom in ‘The Dream’? How would companies and audiences react to their principal man dancing en pointe as a serious character or would it be seen as a novelty act such as the 'Ballet Trockadero de Monte Carlo'?

To answer these questions and come to a clear conclusion it was necessary to gain information from a number of sources. These included the attendance of live performances and watching videos of men dancing en pointe. Seeking personal opinions of male and female dancers, members of the public and choreographers. By researching written works, such as culture magazines, theory books and other media, approaching companies and schools and questioning their policy for men dancing en pointe, and by investigating the subject on the internet.

The iconic image of a ballerina is a slender, ethereal girl balancing on the very tips of her toes. Pointe work is very simply the art of balancing, turning and performing other movements whilst the foot is completely extended. The origin of the pointe shoe itself is somewhat unclear but it is believed that the first dancer to dance en pointe was Taglioni circa 1832:

'The feat of the feet was possible with the help of special shoes, know today as pointe shoes. And the first ballerina who pulled it off was Marie Taglioni – daughter of a famous choreographer at the Paris Opera.' (Speck, S & Cisneros, E. (2003) Ballet for Dummies, Wiley Publishing inc.)

The shoes have developed from a simple satin shoe to a highly engineered piece of

footwear that has many stages during creation. The foot is supported within the box of the shoe with the vamp supporting the toes and lower part of the foot. The dancer balances on the platform when en pointe.

To dance en pointe requires strength and flexibility in the foot and ankle as well as a well

developed stability in the core. Without the appropriate previous training in strengthening exercises at an appropriate age, a female or male dancer is at risk of damaging the bones and muscles in the feet and ankle. There is danger of putting pressure on the lower back due to the change in posture that the dancer may lack the strength to correct. The foot is in a similar position as when wearing a high heeled shoe when dancing en pointe.

‘If dancers maintain a neutral posture, they are not putting the body under so much strain and are less likely to sustain an injury," says the English National Ballet's

chartered physiotherapist, Jackie Pelly. "Everything should be in alignment, from the feet to the head. You do not want to lean back or forward, or favour one side.’ (Lantin, B. (2005) The pointe of good posture, The Telegraph.)

A dancer will take precautions to ensure that her body is in correct alignment and fully

primed for the physical effort by taking daily class in ballet technique and pilates, and makes sure that her feet are particularly prepared. In general boys are not taught to

prepare for pointe. Their training has more emphasis on strengthening legs, preparing for grand allegro and spins.

Chase Johnsey from the Ballet Trockadero De Monte Carlo told the writer of this essay that 'men don't grow up with the rigorous pointe training,' adding 'our shoulders and upper bodies are much heavier, ..., this has to be taken in to account to balance and be stable on pointe.' (Johnsey, 2015, interview with C May, appendix D, A.3)

There are lots of examples of men dancing either en pointe or on the end of their feet. These include works which are choreographed with serious intent but are perceived by their audiences as comic, companies who have men dancing as Ballerinas, companies

who have 'character' parts danced by men en pointe such as The Australian Ballet - The Dream, or the sisters in Cinderella, pieces created with the shoe used as a percussive tool, and folk dancers.

These types of work are often small niches in a market. The Bang Group commonly have male dancers wearing and dancing in pointe shoes as a male character rather than a man impersonating a female dancer. The piece ‘Hind Legs’ uses the shoe as a percussive instrument instead of in the classical manner of dancing on the end of the shoe while trying to keep the sound of the shoe hitting the stage as muted as possible, rather using the noise of the hard box banging against the stage to create an additional element to their performance. When David Parker from the Bang Group was asked by the writer of this essay why he wished to choreograph a pointe piece for a man, 'Hind Legs', he stated that he had “a background in percussive dance and wanted to explore the percussive potential of pointe shoes with their hard boxes.” (Parker, 2012, interview with C May, see appendix B, A.1). This explains why he uses the shoe as an instrument and does not use the light and precise movements a ballerina would demonstrate. Within the piece the dancer is dressed in men's attire and never attempts to feminise his movement.

Classical performance involves the dancer en pointe making the least noise possible to create the illusion of lightness and a sensation of floating. This choreography is designed to be serious in intention but audience members tend to find humour in it due to the unexpected sight of a man en pointe. This is a performance type that isn't recognised as 'normal' by the majority of audiences.

The Ballet Trockerdero de Monte Carlo is a company who use the novelty/comedy factor of men dancing en pointe to great effect. The male dancers are totally in character as Ballerinas. Hair, make up, costume and shoes are all designed to give the impression of the male dancer being a female which adds to the overall comedic effect the company aims for. The male dancers' skill and ability en pointe is often equal to the female in this genre.

The Ballet Trockadero de Monte Carlo, who have performed for 40 years continuously, are a company who perform in this style. Audience members are aware before the performance of the gender of the dancers and expect to see pointe work demonstrated with the grace, style and light footed technique of a well trained female dancer. During performance much of the repertoire is serious in execution and technically correct, however the performers add very subtle moments of humour - discreet touches such as enacting the part of a sly, jealous rival. There are also parts of the performance where the dancer is very clearly endeavouring to make the audience laugh whilst retaining pure technique including Pavlova's Dying Swan solo where the dancer loses feathers from the skirt of the costume during every step and tries to retrieve and replace them. The company is in high demand as proven by the number of performances during the year period of 2012 as shown on their website) - 99 show dates in 45 cites in 13

countries, and 2013 schedule of 65 performances in 8 countries.

Men have danced on the ends of their feet for many years in the Georgian form of dance called Svanuri, representative of a mountain goat. Although this is a dance performed on the ends of the feet and toes, often using the knuckles. It is performed with much vigour and is very different to classical pointe work. There are marked differences in the footwear of these very different styles of dancing on the very extremities. Pointe shoes are complex in their creation. There are many stages involved in the process and the shoes are very solid. "Each and every one is painstakingly hand crafted by a highly skilled maker." (Freed, 2013, Promotional leaflet) The box is a close fit to the foot and the back is strong and rigid, ready to be broken in by the dancer. In contrast the Georgian boots are simplistic, smooth soles without heels, developed over centuries to suit a mountainous life style.

In an interview (appendix c) with the writer of this essay, David McAllistair, the Artistic Director of the Australian Ballet, discussed his views on dancing en pointe the satirical role of an Ugly Step Sister in the serious production of Cinderella. McAllistair found the experience of learning to dance on pointe both positive and negative, and felt that he was supported by the female company members. He came to realise that the technique differs between working on the demi-pointe and in pointe shoes, namely that the balance is affected as the centre of gravity is higher, and that moving the foot through from full pointe to flat is much greater than from demi-pointe. On the whole McAllister felt that the experience was positive and would have repeated it if he had put pointe shoes on before he was in his 30s.

When the writer presented members of the public from both dance and non dance backgrounds with a picture of Tzu-Chao Chou and Reiko Hombo en pointe, (illustration in appendix A) and asked them how they felt about it, she discovered that most were impressed and would be intrigued to observe a duet of a male and female danced en pointe. This group described it as interesting, aesthetically pleasing and attractive. The actual act of being en pointe seemed to be less important to people than the poise and

positioning of the dancers who they described as elegant and strong. This group of people would be possible candidates to be an audience for a performance of this type, however, they tended to be from a dance back ground, either as a dance teacher, a current dance student as a child or adult, or a parent or child of someone with a strong dance background.

Tzu-Chao Chou and Reiko Hombo. Photo Justin Smith

'I have to say that the way he makes being on pointe look natural and masculine is quite refreshing. Ultimately, just because you dance on pointe doesn't mean

that action defines anything about your personality.' (Interview with Chase Johnsey appendix D, A.1)

The other group were either indifferent or actively disliked the concept. The people who actively disliked it described the image as ‘weird, gross, disgusting and abnormal’. Some people had assumed that men already wore pointe shoes, while one person stated that the man looked too feminine. When shown the image again at the end of the questionnaire the opinion of this group had not changed.

McAllister from the Australian Ballet stated that "I did get lots of positive comments from audience members. I think they were impressed at our ability on pointe". However this was a satirical role within a popular ballet.

To conclude, pointe work has many facets in the world of dance, performed classically by both men and women, performed in satirical roles by men, in roles that use the shoe as an instrument, in folk dance contexts, and for strengthening purposes in the classroom. However, none of these examples would be viable in a major company due to being niches in the market. The writer believes that although pointe work demonstrated by men has an audience, it would not have a position in a competitive market where companies need to appeal to the largest audience group. Angela Ma states that "In general ballet companies are not profitable. They operate at a loss and only recoup their costs with the help of appreciative donors." (Ma, 10.11. 2014, Ballet Companies: Do they make sense? Harvard Economics Review).

There will always be scope in a niche market for pointe work to be performed by men in satire, or as an exploratory piece of contemporary dance. However at the current time the majority of the public from this research would not chose to watch a serious ballet with men en pointe. This in turn will sway companies to maintain the current balance of women en pointe and men on demi pointe regardless of the fact that male dancers would not be averse to learning to dance en pointe.

The views of the public (from this limited research) appear to be divided between those who would like to see men in repertoire en pointe in a serious context, and those who feel that there is no place for men to perform such a role. The majority of audiences tend to hold a more traditional view of the type of ballet performance they wish to attend. At this point in time classical dance has the dominance against avant garde developments within the dance world.

The dancers and choreographers are keen to push boundaries to promote and enhance their art, and to appeal to a wider and often younger audience. Widening the audience base would in turn address the issues involved with financing new untested productions with innovative ideas and breaking stereotypes of pointe work being exclusive to female dancers. The writer believes that although currently there is not a place in ‘serious’ repertoire for men en pointe there is scope to change public opinions, for example when Nijinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’ was first performed in 1913 it caused outrage, however over time it has gained acceptance across the world, therefore in the future men dancing en pointe may be accepted by the public at large.

The Ballet Trockerdero de Monte Carlo

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Dance Exams

So I often get asked if my pupils have to take exams to progress from class to class.

The short answer is No.

The longer answer is longer!

I am a DDE qualified member of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and as such I am entitled to enter pupils for dance exams in several genres. Unqualified members who have ‘provisional’ membership can do the same however this is being phased out as some teachers have been known to keep their provisional membership running for a long time! You’ll find the RAD are doing exactly the same thing.

To acquire my qualified status I have studied part time for several years, the ISTD DDE qualification is a comprehensive qualification taking in Life Span, Health and Safety, Lesson Planning, plus culminating in a 2 hour practical exam with a 60% pass mark - so you can be sure your teacher has to be committed to achieve their pass.

There are various exam boards available - do your research and make sure you pick a reputable school teaching a recognised syllabus. Just googling I have found several small boards I had never heard of. Some schools hold internal exams which will not hold a value and be recognised. I suppose this could be useful for children who aren’t so keen on formal settings.

The ISTD is the biggest exam board for dance in the world. It has two distinct branches - Dance Sport (latin and ballroom, sequence, disco and rock n roll) and Imperial Dance and theatre faculties (Imperial ballet, Cecchetti ballet, tap, modern theatre, classical greek, national and classical Indian dance). My genres fall into the second category. Our exams are recognised by the QCF and ofqual and once they reach a certain level have ucas points awarded. There are costs associated as they are privately held exams, like music exams. If you were lucky enough to take the exam within a primary or secondary school the school might cover the cost of it.

This link takes you to the ISTD regulated qualifactions framework - file:///Users/newuser/Downloads/regulated-qualifications-framework-and-level-descriptors%20(1).pdfI

Personally think that taking dance exams is a really good experience for children. They begin at a fairly young age, approximately 6 or 7, and learn the discipline needed, they practise, attend class, ensure they are wearing the correct uniform and have their hair correctly groomed. By the time they reach exams at school the word doesn’t have fear associated to it anymore. Because they are well prepared and practiced they have developed skills they can then transfer to the school exam hall.

I will not enter a student until I am sure that they will achieve the best mark they can. Our last modern candidates achieved 14 merits and 10 distinctions between them!

I really believe that their progression through exams is valuable - I’m their teacher and as such I’m massively bias about their abilities! An external exam proves to them and me that they are progressing and keeping up with the expected level of achievement. The report they receive can give them some insight into what elements they need to work harder on and where they already shine.

I won’t insist that a child take an exam if they don’t want to. I think that forcing anyone into a situation where they are unhappy is a no no. However for my ballet students I do insist that they take their Grade 3 before I will allow them to progress to pointe preparation in Grade 4. Every other grade I am happy to negotiate!

Grade 3 Ballet exam girls

I hope that this gives you an insight into my views upon exams.

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Updated: Apr 21, 2021

The newest dance trend appears to be Acro Dance. It’s exciting and something that seems fresh and new, who doesn’t want something up their sleeve to impress their rivals or the judge at a comp?

I’ve looked into teaching acro dance and I have made the decision not to bring this into my school. Let me explain why.

Within my week I teach ballet and dance to acrobatic gymnasts including World medal winners. Acrobatic gym isn’t what you might see

Gymnasts from Southampton Gym Club

at the olympics - thats artisitic gymnastics (who knew there was a difference??!) These boys and girls are seriously well trained, the development kids do around 5 hours and by the time we get to the Elite squad its 22 hours a week. That’s time for cardio, conditioning, stretching, rehearsing routines and practising elements of routines time and time again.  You watch them perform and it appears effortless. It’s not! My small input per week is to help create a seamless routine, dance leading to acrobatics without a visable join. I’ve watched them and thought “Wow! I’d love my students to be able to do some of that!” I have a pair that I have watched who even via a livestream managed to give me goosebumps performing their balance routine! They have developed artistry and they are dancers and gymnasts.  I love to work with them as they are brilliant.

I bet you are thinking then what’s the problem? My children are once a week students - they may do several classes but they focus on one genre per session and it’s never longer than an hour.

Gymnasts train and dance on sprung floors, when they learn new tricks they have harnesses and thick crash mats. The floor they use is like dancing on the moon. My floor is a rolled vinyl, its not rock hard but it’s certainly not soft. I don’t have storage for an airtrack or thick mats so I couldn’t provide the resources they would require. Gymnasts have insurance, certainly members of British Gymnastics clubs, - they can’t enter the gym if they don’t. This includes the recreational gym kids. Gymnastics can be dangerous by the nature of falls etc. Your child needs to be protected. All dance teachers should have their own public liability insurance but gym needs more. Acro Arts training courses don’t seem to be in depth enough for me. To get my pilates qualification I had to attend 100 hours of training, plus take Anatomy and Physiology and Health and Fitness exams, for my ISTD quals I had to prove my own ability via Intermediate exams, take practical teaching exams, health and safety & lifespan and development exams, submit lesson plans and be observed teaching classes and write an essay about my chosen subject. SO in depth. Acro arts seem to be 2 day courses. For me that’s not enough information. Injuries! I’ve seen how easily children can injure themselves in the gym with all the safety equipement and high ratios of staff. I’m not prepared to take that risk. Its smoke and mirrors! I personally feel that the world of dance is losing something by being too interested in tricks. Bring in more artistry - make me believe your story!  I teach a young lady who dances so beautifully - when she took her grade 1 ballet she danced the Mouse solo, at the end she runs upstage to look for her mouse but her isn’t there... with her back to the audience she sadly shakes her head and lets her arm drop. Shortly before her exam she gave me goosebumps, I thought it a fluke so my assistant came and watched and got the same feelings. She sold it to us that she lost her mouse, no back flip needed. Think of Odette in Swanlake - she breaks your heart standing still!

CM Dance will be commencing contemporary classes according to the brand new ISTD syllabus developed by the director of Rambert shortly.

If you chose acro I hope that you take the time to find a well trained teacher at a reputable school. Or alternatively find a gymnastics club and join a recreational class - dance and gym compliment each other.

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